The magma ocean stage in the formation of rocky-terrestrial planets
Athanasia Nikolaou
Sapienza University of Rome/DLR
The planetary formation process of rocky planets includes the stage of magma ocean (MO). MO occurs due to the energy input at the system during accretionary collisional events. During this stage the mantle is fully molten (T>1500 K). As it cools, this large body of lava serves as the main source of a planet's atmosphere, since, counterintuitively, the hot silicate melt can accomodate a lot of volatiles and especially water into it. Constraining the MO duration is necessary in order to a) set the initial conditions for models of planetary evolution and b) estimate the probability of detecting exoplanets that are currently in a MO stage. Both points are needed in order to better understand habitability. I here present results of a coupled interior-atmosphere thermal evolution and gradual atmospheric built-up of a planet in such stage.